Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sisters: Jasmine and Bell

Sisters Jasmine and Bell @ 6.5 months old
This is Bell (formerly Cinderella).. isn't she a cutie?

Jasmine and Bell again.

Debbie & Jasmine Show Ring Debut

Debbie and Jasmine (6.5 months old) made their show debut at the Hartford Civic Center. They both looked to be enjoying themselves and Jasmine was super! She took reserve winner's bitch (RWB) and thoroughly loved the attention and she ran round the ring. Right behind her was sister Bell (formely Cinderella)... Jasmine placed 1st, Cinderella 2nd in their class of 3. Way to go!
Both pups showed no fear of the ring or all the dogs, smells, people and noise. We are so proud.